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Together with Kelleng, Let’s Improve Children’s Literacy and Numeracy

The OECD (2019) in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) states that Indonesia is part of 10 countries that have low literacy levels and ranked 62 out of 70 countries. The UNESCO survey results also found that the reading interest index in Indonesia only reached 0.001%. Referring to the data from the Indonesia Education Report 2023, only 61.53% of elementary or equivalent students, have literacy competencies above the minimum standard.  The competency consists of students' fundamental abilities in literacy and numeracy that are still below the minimum assessment limit. The minimum assessment limits set by the Ministry of Education are students' abilities in reading, writing, arithmetic, and logical thinking skills.

Furthermore, based on the Education Report, the literacy and numeracy status of elementary or equivalent students in East Nusa Tenggara Province is below minimum competency. The school dropout rate in the East Nusa Tenggara region in 2022 is above the Indonesian school dropout rate (0.30), while the repeat rate is 1.21 (above the school repeat rate in Indonesia).

Under the Safe School program, YAPPIKA-ActionAid started to improve literacy competency for students in Elementary Schools in Kupang Regency. In response to the literacy situation of elementary school children in the Kupang Regency that is still far from the standard.

Kelleng recognizes that fostering a culture of literacy is a crucial element in achieving our vision. This focus is central to our mission and business endeavors. Indeed, it is not a small task, but with confidence, sip by sip and page by page, we shall overcome! “1 cup of Kopi 1 book 1 more child freed from illiteracy” More than just a delicious cup of Kopi, you will also contribute to efforts to eradicate illiteracy in Indonesia through the collaborative program between Kelleng and YAPPIKA-ActionAid (YAA). Kelleng's value lies in offering unique, locally-sourced Indonesian Kopi grown with dedication and care by local farmers. Through this, along with our donation of books, You and I support literacy initiatives for children in Indonesia.


About Kelleng 

Kelleng was founded with the vision of a progressive Indonesia. Thus, we proudly present Indonesian Kopi beans as our flagship product. Kelleng specializes in black Kopi beverages made with meticulously sorted and roasted Indonesian Kopi beans. This process is aimed at maintaining the quality of each bag of Kopi we deliver. Consequently, our production is highly limited and not in large quantities. With the aim of bringing a peaceful and enjoyable Kopi experience through a cup of our Kopi brewed at your home, we extend our respect and heartfelt gratitude that you have kindly chosen our Kopi.

Publish : Selasa, 11 Juni 2024
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13 June 2024